

Englands true source of wealth lies in coal
Staff member
We have had very little interest in people sending us photos for the front page of buddle pit . Is this because it’s pointless and just to display photos ?
Not logging the photos for the database ?

I no the old forums used a voting system on photos in databases, to choose the photos for the front page . Would people like us to do this ?

Remember we are just running this and created it as volunteers basically ! We need your input !

I have 8k photos but I would rather not be posting only mine , asking certain people for their images .

Are people enjoying seeing images ? I think creating photo albums / databases is an extremely important part of this hobby . I personally like to view other peoples images .
Um, is there a front page? Whenever I visit the site I just come straight through to the forum index. I've just tried and it redirects me straight to the forum index.

To be honest, if there is a front page, I'd probably still end up bypassing it and going straight to the forum index or 'What's new". When I ran a wildlife photography forum many moons ago, we had a similar experience and gave up doing much with the front page other than leaving it to act as an intro/index for 'newbies'.
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Above comment very true, same with UK Caving, - its Forum Index. Mildly annoying.
I would put a photo into a front page most certainly, but one that people have voted on, like the old AN "Photo of the month". What I would also like to see is not just agood photo, but one with a 'story' as such behind it. This would make it topical. The story could be the difficulty in taking it, a lost or difficult location, or maybe somewhere that has since been lost or trashed.

I have a photo taken in Boc, Clift passage in 2010. I understand the place has since been 'redecorated', I dont know. Its of no special subject but i think its one of the best I have ever taken.
Some would say that "Every photo tells a story" .
Mmmm this is strange IMG_5467-compressed.pngso your not getting these at the top of latest posts ?? Where you can swipe through them.

I have had to destroy the quality on the compressor so ignore that .

So I tap the home icon “buddle pit” , this gives me latest posts with images on a scroll bar ?
On it!

edit - I think I know the reason for this. Let me have a tinker. I'm glad this has cropped up

Edit : I can have a look at settings if you wish ? Are they Mac friendly ?

Edit : I can have a look at settings if you wish ? Are they Mac friendly ?
Don't you dare touch anything 👀

Edit: I believe we are sucking diesel... the issue is found and now sorted(?). I have been updating this with photos since Buddle Pit launched and had no idea that nobody else could see it! I have moved the photo carousel to the forum page as well as the home page as it seems people never really used the "Home" page anyway. Please chime in if you find the forum page too crowded with this new addition.
I can see the photos if I go to the home screen. I very rarely go to the home screen, I usually go to Forum, what's new
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So do people use the main page ? Or still will these get no attention ? If we can get further updates be good ? We want this forum to be enjoyable for all .
So do people use the main page ? Or still will these get no attention ? If we can get further updates be good ? We want this forum to be enjoyable for all .
Most of the time I just do a refresh on the "what's new" page, as there's obviously nothing been added elsewhere :unsure:

And as for pics.....I love seeing the old pics like when Roy was just a boy in the late 1900's ;):p