Publications (1)
Ford, Trevor D. (2008); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 17-2 Win - Geological Setting of the Lead Mines in the Lathkill Dale and Wye Valley Area, The; 36 pages (1-36)
Featured Images (0)
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Sites within 2km (20)
Mandale Rake Mine - 43m
Forefield Shaft - 660m
Haddon Grove Dale Adit - 833m
Lathkilldale Mine - 914m
Black Marble Mine - 941m
Bole Hill - 1,074m
Mogshaw - 1,085m
Mycross Mine - 1,101m
Lodge Shaft - 1,128m
Daykeyne Engine Shaft - 1,215m
Bateman's Adit - 1,227m
Cornish Engine Shaft - 1,278m
Magshaw Mine - 1,282m
Mandale Mine - 1,306m
True Blue Mine - 1,557m
Horsesteps Mine - 1,749m
Dirty Redsoil Mine - 1,796m
Redsoil Engine Shaft - 1,808m
Red Soil Mine - 1,809m
Ricklow Quarry - 1,982m