(1952); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol IV - Fluorspar; 162 pages
(1960); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 01-3 Oct - Ecton Mine, Mine of Calver, Coombs Dale and Longstone Edge, Mandale Mine, Barmote Courts, Eyam Edge, Magpie Sough & Mine, Wrang Mine, Mandale Mine Engine House, Small Penny Sough, Mining Terms; 22 pages
Doug Nash; Doug Nash Peak Book Book 6 - Stonebreak Pipe to Yoga Cave; 311 pages
Ford, Trevor D. (2012); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 18-3 Sum - Geology of Hucklow, Eyam, Stony Middleton & Longstone Edge; 22 pages (1-22)
Kirkham, Nellie (1965); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 02-6 Dec - Eyam Edge Mines and Soughs Part 2; 20 pages (315-334)
Rieuwerts, J.H. (1994); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 12-4 Win - Early History of Stoke Sough and Magclough Sough, 1724 to 1738, The; 8 pages (43-50)