Publications (4)
- (1922); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol XXVI - Lead & Zinc Ores or Durham, Yorkshire & Derbyshire; 126 pages
- (1952); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol IV - Fluorspar; 162 pages
- James, Jonathan Peter and Foster, Adrian (2001); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 14-5 Sum - Tramways and Locomotves at 20th Century Mines in the Peak District; 18 pages (58-75)
- Slack, R. (1997); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 13-3 Sum - Sir John Gell and the Derbyshire Lead Industry during the Civil War; 4 pages (68-71)