Great West Chiverton

Lead, Zinc, and Silver Mine

Worked from 1860s to 1880s

Jan 1st, 2024 from RF by Buddle-Bot

Nov 15th, 2024 by aricooperdavis

St. Agnes
50.3004799, -5.1664209
SW 7460 4930
Private Land

Little results.

1860s 1869-1872 1880s


The sett covers a comparatively large area around Whitestreet (6-in. Corn. 57 N.W.), yet, according to the plans (A.M. R 163, dated 1873, and A.M. 1950, dated 1883) seems to have contained only a series of prospecting works. There is an adit. with portal 320 yds. E. of Bench Mark 359-1 and 570 yds. N. by E. of Whitestreet, which has been driven 26 fms. W., and another very short adit commencing 200 yds. N.N.E. of the first; these were apparently in search of the eastward extension of the Burrow and Butson Main Lode. Seven lodes are indicated on the west bank of Perran Coombe, numbered north to south 1 to 6 except the second from the north, which is called Engine Lode.

The workings on them are as follows:

(i) On No. 1 Lode, coursing N.E., adit portal is 247 yds. W. of Parkhoskin farm and 15 yds. S.W. of it is Footway Shaft; the extent of the workings is not shown.

(ii) On Engine Lode, coursing E.-W. and underlying south, adit portal is 33 yds. S. of that on No. 1 Lode. The adit extends 70 fms. W. and at 17 fms. from the portal meets Engine Shaft, vertical to adit and on the underlie to 20 fms. below; the 10-fm. and 20-fm. levels from the shaft are each less than 25 fms. long and no stoping is shown.

(iii) No. 2 Lode courses E.-W. and underlies south; it has an adit commencing 60 yds . S.S.W. of that on Engine Lode and a shallow south underlay shaft 32 yds. W. of it; the workings are not shown.

(iv) The entrance to the adit on No. 3 Lode is about 100 yds. S. of that on No. 2. The lode courses N.E. and has been followed for about 85 fms. No. 4 Lode, coursing E. 20° N., in the valley 47 yds. S. of No. 3, has not been developed.

(v) The adit on No. 5 Lode, which courses E. 10° N., is from the bottom of a shaft 15 yds. W. of the stream and 420 yds . S.W. by S. of Parkhoskin farm; it follows the lode 50 fms. W. No. 6 Lode, coursing N.E. , 30 yds . S. of No. 5, has not been developed.

Publications (1)

  • Dines, Henry George (1956); BGS - Regional Memoirs - Metalliferous Mining Region of South West England Vol1, The; 567 pages

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