Publications (3)
Flindall, R.B. and Hayes, A.J. (1972); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 05-1 Apr - Survey of Good Luck Mine and Adjacent Levels in the Via Gellia, A; 20 pages (61-80)
Higgins, Mike and Webb, Brian (2014); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 19-2 Win - Mines of Middleton Flats, The; 13 pages (1-13)
Rieuwerts, James H. (1966); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 03-1 Aug - List of Soughs of the Derbyshire Lead Mines; 42 pages (1-42)
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Sites within 2km (65)
Spencers Level - 41m
Goodluck Mine Visits - 94m
Henstock's Mine - 116m
Good Luck Mine - 148m
Silver Eye Mine - 161m
Upper Cawror Slack Mine - 163m
Dunsley Springs Level - 192m
Gell's Adit - 241m
Bonsall Leys Level - 493m
Thumper Sitch Level - 506m
Merry Tom Level - 508m
Black Rake Mine - 510m
Merry Tom Middle - 545m
Slaley Sough - 546m
Merry Tom Lower - 558m
Fool's Venture Mine - 560m
Welshman's Venture Mine - 619m
Burrow's Mine - 702m
Reservoir Level - 752m
Bondog Hole - 761m
Bonsall Sough - 794m
Bold Pitt Mine - 803m
Bonsall Mines - 807m
Parish Quarry - 842m
Spinney Level - 941m
Hoptonwood Mine - 945m
Haslowfield Mine - 958m
Croft Mine - 968m
Jacob's Dream Mine - 1,067m
Slackrake Mine - 1,072m
Stitchen Mine - 1,150m
Samuel Mine - 1,202m
Portabello Mine - 1,207m
Nogg Mine - 1,263m
Middleton Limestone Mine - 1,267m
Foxholes Mine - 1,281m
Snake Mine - 1,308m
Bradhouse Mine - 1,309m
Marks Dale North - 1,347m
Marks Dale South - 1,354m
Potosi Mine - 1,393m
Hilltop Mine - 1,418m
Groaning Tor Level - 1,423m
Partridge Mine - 1,467m
Ible Quarry - 1,494m
Potosi Sough - 1,536m
Alabaster Sough - 1,543m
Chance Level - 1,546m
Horsedale Sough - 1,579m
Primrose Mine - 1,628m
Milkambottom Mine - 1,632m
Dene Quarry - 1,639m
Lath House Mine - 1,689m
Clatterway Sough - 1,700m
Slinter Mine - 1,702m
Chance Mine - 1,742m
California Mine - 1,746m
Clatterway Levels - 1,767m
Ball Eye Mines - 1,784m
Dunrake Mine - 1,832m
Rantertackers Mine - 1,864m
Dragoneye Vein Mine - 1,927m
Blackwell Pipe - 1,975m
Oaker Shaft - 1,978m
Presses Grove - 1,999m