Tingle's Level Iron Mine

Iron Mine

Jan 1st, 2024 from Mindat by Buddle-Bot

Forest of Dean
51.83917, -2.486091
SO 6661 1573
Open Access

Tingle’s Iron Pit, marked on the 6inch OS Map Gloucester 31NE, almost obliterated (1927) only a trace remains, 100 yards north of the radio mast. It lies a quarter of a mile north north west of Edgehills Lodge. There are traces of outcrop workings a mile to the south. Tingles Iron mine worked the Drybrook Sandstone vein and not the Crease limestone iron vein. Remains of a small filled shaft exists at NGR 660 162. Nicholls’ gives outputs as 548 tons in 1864 and 405 tons in 1865.

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