Barnatt, John and Huston, Kieron and Mallon, Dave and Newman, Rebekah et al (2013); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 18-6 Win - The Lead Legacy - An Updated Inventory of Important Metal and Gangue Mining Sites in the Peak District, The; 112 pages (1-112)
Brown, Ivor J. (1970); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 04-4 Oct - Magpie Mine and the Garlick Family 1881-1930; 13 pages (324-336)
Ford, Trevor D. (2003); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 15-3 Sum - Iron Mining in the Peak District; 7 pages (8-14)
Ford, Trevor D. (2008); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 17-2 Win - Geological Setting of the Lead Mines in the Lathkill Dale and Wye Valley Area, The; 36 pages (1-36)
Kirkham, Nellie (1975); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 06-2 Oct - Washing of Lead Ore in Derbyshire during the Nineteenth Century, The; 11 pages (53-63)
Willies, L. (1979); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 07-3 Mar - Technical Development in Derbyshire Lead Mining, 1700-1880; 35 pages (117-151)
Willies, Lynn (1976); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 06-3 Apr - John Taylor in Derbyshire; 16 pages (146-161)
Willies, Lynn (1977); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 06-5 May - John Taylor in Derbyshire 1839-1851 - Part 2; 15 pages (218-232)
Willies, Lynn (1982); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 08-3 Sum - John Fairburn - Stationer and Mining Entrepreneur; 7 pages (159-165)