Driggith Mine

aka West Cumberland Mine or Mid Cumberland

Lead, Zinc, and Copper Mine

Jan 1st, 2024 from NMRS by Buddle-Bot

Mar 14th, 2025 by BertyBasset

Lake District
Caldbeck Fells
54.7069511, -3.044282
NY 3281 3516
Open Access

Note: Following description is from Mindat. For the avoidance of doubt, mineral collecting in the Caldbeck Fells is only allowable under license, which are granted for specific zones.

This mine, relatively obscure to mineral collectors outside the United Kingdom, has yielded intriguing pyromorphite-mimetite specimens along with a range of unusual rarities. It taps into a continuation of the Roughton Gill (South) lode, with levels in the Driggith valley and lower levels across the fell at Sandbeds.

Ore minerals in the Driggith-Sandbeds vein predominantly comprised galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite, set within a gangue of quartz and barite. The close association of galena, sphalerite, and barite, particularly in the deeper levels, posed significant challenges for the gravity separators used for ore-dressing during the Victorian era, contributing substantially to the mine’s downfall.

Historical records indicate mining activity at Driggith dating back to the early 18th century, though information remains scant until the turn of the 19th century. While the mine saw profitable operation in the early decades of the 19th century, subsequent profitability was brief, and the mine operated at a loss for most of the 1850s. Successive operators faced bankruptcy, and by 1874, the mine was effectively shuttered.

Several attempts to revive operations in the 20th century, focusing on lead or barite extraction, were thwarted by the deteriorated state of the workings or ore separation challenges. The last operation occurred in 1948. Though production statistics are incomplete, the mine is estimated to have yielded at least 3800 tons of lead and 40,000 ounces of silver, along with minor amounts of copper, zinc, and barite.

1822 ? Braddell 1859-1862 J. Brocklebank & Co. 1863-1871 Campbell & Wm Jefferey 1905-1909 Caldbeck Mines Syndicate 1948 E. Gregory 1950 McKechnie Bros Ltd

Publications (5)

  • (1921); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol XXII - Lead & Zinc: Lake District; 65 pages
  • (1922); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol II - Barytes and Witherite; 136 pages
  • (1925); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol XXX - Copper Ores: Midlands, Lake District & N Wales; 102 pages
  • Gill, M.C. (2010); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 17-6 Win - John Barratt and the Grassington Mines 1818-1834; 9 pages (10-18)
  • Palmer, Marilyn and Neaverson, Peter (1989); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 10-6 Win - Comparative Archaeology of Tin and Lead Dressing in Britain during the Nineteenth Century, The; 32 pages (316-347)

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