Well know tourist haunt. 106 steps down to a boat in 250 year old mine canal tunnel visiting the Bottomless Pit .
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Publications (1)
Nixon, D.A. and Warriner, D. (1997); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 13-3 Sum - The Connection of James Hall's Over Engine Mine to Peak and Speedwell Caverns, The; 11 pages (57-67)
Featured Images (1)
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Sites within 2km (49)
Speedwell Mine and Cavern - 32m
Blue John Mine - 185m
Longcliffe Mine - 254m
Son of Longcliffe - 367m
Old Tor Mine - 392m
Longcliffe Pipe #2 - 403m
Longcliffe Pipe #1 - 411m
Longcliffe Vein End - 417m
Slate Scrin Mine - 432m
Treak Cliff Show Cave - 471m
Treak Cliff Cavern - 474m
Winnats Level - 549m
Rowter Hole - 630m
Knowlesgates Sough - 631m
Oden Groves Sough - 710m
Hurdlow Stile Mine - 730m
Knowles Engine Shaft - 815m
Wall Shaft Mine - 815m
Blue John Mine - 830m
James Hall's Over Engine Mine - 857m
Blue John Show Caverns - 864m
Peakshole Sough - 916m
Odin Mine - 924m
Engine Sough - 1,023m
Cave Dale Cave No 1a - 1,121m
Cave Dale Cave No 1 - 1,124m
Cave Dale Cave No 7 - 1,170m
Oden Sough - 1,177m
Windy Knoll Quarry - 1,300m
Mam Engine Shaft - 1,312m
How Grove - 1,341m
Dirlow Rake - 1,405m
Michill Bank Mine - 1,421m
Bennet Grove Mine - 1,500m
Hollandtwine Mine - 1,501m
Packthread Venture - 1,502m
Odin Top Mine - 1,580m
Oxlow Caverns - 1,591m
Hazard Mine - 1,603m
Nether Dirtlow - 1,635m
Wham Engine Shaft - 1,714m
Maskhill Mine - 1,753m
Wrangling Rake Mine - 1,756m
Gatestoop Mine - 1,786m
Siggate Head Mine - 1,854m
Slitherstones Mine No 1 - 1,880m
Penny Mine - 1,944m
Pindale Pipe Working - 1,950m
Old Moor Mine - 1,990m