1855 Bell, Stobart & Co. 1860-1895 Earl of Durham 1900-1910 Lambton Collieries Ltd 1915-1921 Lam
Publications (1)
Clavering, Eric (1994); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 12-3 Sum - Coalmills in Tyne and Wear Collieries - The Use of the Waterwheel for Mine Drainage 1600 to 1750; 9 pages (124-132)
Featured Images (0)
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Sites within 2km (21)
Harraton, Big Pit - 52m
Harraton, Billy Pit - 131m
Harraton, Row Pit - 496m
New Pit - 506m
Shiphouse Pit - 670m
Fatfield, Hall Pit - 717m
Fortune Pit - 852m
Dolly Pit - 890m
Rush Pit - 1,038m
Engine Pit - 1,045m
Anna Bell Pit - 1,116m
Charlotte Pit - 1,180m
Ayton - 1,301m
Days Engine Pit - 1,340m
Chaytor's Haugh, Hedge Pit - 1,627m
North Biddick - 1,760m
Chaytor's Haugh, Scrog Pit - 1,780m
Chaytor's Haugh, Stable End Pit - 1,842m
South Birtley - 1,847m
Chartershaugh - 1,975m
Blackhouse - 1,984m