Publications (1)
Ford, Trevor D. (2008); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 17-2 Win - Geological Setting of the Lead Mines in the Lathkill Dale and Wye Valley Area, The; 36 pages (1-36)
Featured Images (0)
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Sites within 2km (19)
Wheal Mine - 391m
Newcomen Engine - 423m
Crotie Rake Mine - 645m
Whale Sough - 747m
Hard Rake Mine - 1,020m
Devonshire Shaft - 1,195m
Sheaths Pipe Mine - 1,506m
Watt's Fieldgrove Mine - 1,644m
Whalfe Old Sough - 1,648m
Hubbadale Mine - 1,655m
Whalf Pipe Mine - 1,673m
Crimbo Hollow Engine Shaft - 1,763m
Crimbo Pipe Mine - 1,792m
Whalf Climbing Shaft - 1,805m
Whalf Engine Shaft - 1,832m
Greensward Mine - 1,853m
Hillocks Mine: Adit Entrance - 1,875m
Magpie Mine - 1,880m
Fieldgrove Mine - 1,928m