Eastern Adit

Part of Rock, Wheal

Copper, Arsenic, and Tin Mine

Worked from 1856 to 1877

Nov 6th, 2024 from aricooperdavis by aricooperdavis

Carn Brea
50.2212944, -5.2375731
SW 6915 4072
Private Land

Eastern Adit of South Carn Brea Mine (aka Wheal Rock) on the Wheal Rock Lode.

Driven West from the sett’s eastern boundary stream 365 yds. N.E. by E. of Engine Shaft. In killas country, following a lode coursing E. 15° N. for 100 fms. W. from the adit entrance. At 85 fms. W. the drive is met by Eastern Shaft.

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