(1922); BGS - Mineral Resources of GB (c1920s) Vol XXVI - Lead & Zinc Ores or Durham, Yorkshire & Derbyshire; 126 pages
Ford, Trevor D. (2004); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 15-6 Win - Geology of the Lead Mines around the Stanton Syncline; 26 pages (1-26)
James, Roger (1997); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 13-4 Win - Mine Drainage and Water Resources; 7 pages (74-80)
Rieuwerts, J.H. (1981); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 08-1 Jun - Drainage of the Alport Mining Field, The; 28 pages (1-28)
Rieuwerts, James H. (1966); PDMHS (Peak District Mines Historical Society) 03-1 Aug - List of Soughs of the Derbyshire Lead Mines; 42 pages (1-42)